Are you ready to exceed your expectations?

“... Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is! ...”
Anne Frank

Minewake provides tools to let you achieve your potential and be prouder of your work.

All miners in the industry claim that people are their number one priority yet when they manage productivity, they focus on equipment metrics not people.

Minewake uses existing mine data coupled with its revolutionary analytics to drive improved performance with new operational metrics focusing on and motivating people.

It complements and enhances the OEE vision of productivity with objective internal benchmarks of individual mine workers (operators/supervisors), enabling fair and focused performance management to deliver real results.

Minewake is relevant for any open cut mining operation. The improvement potential is up to 15%+ at free cash flow level.


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